Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East
Scientific Refereed & Open Access Journal
ICR IF 2021/2022=1.569 , Arcif IF 2023 = 2.7558 Q1, IF of the Supreme Council of Universities = 7
ISSN Online: (2314-873X) ISSN Print: (2314-8721)
| Vol.7
The role of the media in rooting the relationship between human rights and the requirements of comprehensive security , Vol.7 , Twenty Fifth Issue

Dr. Khaled Abdul Hamid Kamel Kharbosh-Acquired a doctorate in media,Mass Communication Department,College of Arts,Assiut University


It is a common sense that, human rights are respected as well as human freedoms are valued and maintained in the practical side, before enacting laws and enforcing international agreements and covenants to establish human rights and safeguard their freedoms and dignity, because the human being is the focal point around which conferences, seminars and meetings revolve around respecting human rights and the preservation of his dignity and freedoms, Accordingly, a person must not submit to suppression or to be controlled by others, but must be free and independent, and because the subject of human rights, and the respect and the preservation of his dignity in itself are among the beneficial and fruitful issues for the human being and the society in which he lives, so it must be observed and worked on saving and protecting it .
It should not be forgotten that, there is a strong link between human rights and the requirements of comprehensive security, those requirements that concern with criminal, national, human, psychological, economic, social, political, intellectual, food, Industrial, environmental, information and documents security and water security ... and so on are all types of security that are closely related to human liberties and directly affect his rights, and help either to preserve or undermine his dignity. On the one hand, concerning with it, activating it, and working to maintain and preserve it, shall help to preserve human liberties and dignity, while the opposite leads to a violation of his freedoms and an insult to his dignity.

Key Words:
Media, human rights, comprehensive security.

Research Language:
Journal Issues