Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East
Scientific Refereed & Open Access Journal
ICR IF 2021/2022=1.569 , Arcif IF 2023 = 2.7558 Q1, IF of the Supreme Council of Universities = 7
ISSN Online: (2314-873X) ISSN Print: (2314-8721)
| Vol.10
The Effectiveness of Social Marketing for Egyptian women's issues through Social Networking Sites: Applied study of the National Council for Women's Facebook page , Vol.10 , Thirty-Eighth Issue

Dr. Hebatalla Saleh Elsayed Saleh-Assistant Professor of Public Relations & Advertising,Mass Communication Department,Faculty of Arts,Helwan University

The study aims to reveal the effectiveness of social networking sites in marketing Egyptian woman’s issues on Facebook, specifically by analyzing the content posted on the National Council for Women page and providing a qualitative description based on the various forms of interaction. Additionally, the forms of interaction between the council and the audience have been monitored based on the theory of electronic dialogue. A diversity of issues have been found included in the page publications with economic empowerment at the forefront of these issues, followed by health empowerment in light of the Corona pandemic, and political empowerment in a way that is compatible with the goals of sustainable development 2030. However, the page has also shown a lack of interactivity, as it neglected the essential role communication sites has in managing an open two-way dialogue with the public.

Key Words:
Social Marketing, Social Networking Sites, the National Council for Women.

Research Language:
Journal Issues