Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East
Scientific Refereed & Open Access Journal
ICR IF 2021/2022=1.569 , Arcif IF 2023 = 2.7558 Q1, IF of the Supreme Council of Universities = 7
ISSN Online: (2314-873X) ISSN Print: (2314-8721)
| Vol.11
Communications of the Chinese Russian-American Conflict in the Geopolitical Field , Vol.11 , Forty-Fourth Issue - International Crisis Management

Major General Mohamed Alaa El-Deen-PH.D Researcher in Mass Communication, Public Relations.,Public Relations Department,Mass Communication Faculty,Cairo University

In this study, the researcher reviewed the Russian Chinese-American conflict in the geopolitical field, where the reasons for the escalation of the Russian-American conflict over the Caucasus region, including the republics of Chechnya and Georgia, were monitored. Then he dealt with the Russian-American conflict in Ukraine, including the importance of Ukraine in relation to both Russia and the United States of America In particular, and to the West in general, and the features of the Ukrainian crisis. The researcher, later on, dealt with the Chinese-American conflict over Taiwan, and the American status in relation to the Taiwan issue as well as the features of the Taiwanese crisis, then the Chinese-American conflict over the Chinjiang region and the issue of persecution of the Uyghur Muslims, and then the issue of The Chinese-American conflict over the South China Sea. The parties to the conflict and the factors that led to this conflict were mentioned, followed by monitoring the features of the Chinese-Russian partnership in areas of influence. The researcher also dealt with the Chinese-Russian conflict over the Latin American region and finally the importance of the Middle East region for all parties Conflict between China, Russia and the United States of America.
The researcher analyzed the study sample from the six sites, the Chinese People's Newspapers, the Russian Pravda, the American New York Times, the Chinese satellite channels CGTN, Russia Today, and the American CNN. The subject of the study, during the specified periods, from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2023, based on the contents contained in the sites - the study population, and related to the events, by relying on the survey method, and the comparative method, during the study periods.
The most important applied results that have been reached:
1- The continuation of the conflict between the two parties, China and Russia on one hand, and the United States of America on the other hand, and the research noted that this conflict extends over the entire globe without the emergence of a specific time end.
2- The world is entering into a new era that is a unique combination of the cold war and hot confrontations at the same time to attract the largest number of countries in the world and form large networks of alliances.
3- The strategic and tactical use of the media in a frantic struggle to win global public opinion and to gain the mind and thinking of the ordinary man in the street to direct his behavior.
4- The strong and effective use of psychological warfare in all stages of the conflict.
5- The mutual appearance of the fourth, fifth and sixth generations of wars in heated confrontations.

Key Words:
Geopolitical Conflict - United States of America - China - Russia - Chechnya - Georgia Ukraine - Taiwan - Qinjiang - Uighurs - South China Sea - Latin America - Middle East.

Research Language:
Journal Issues