Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East
Scientific Refereed & Open Access Journal
ICR IF 2021/2022=1.569 , Arcif IF 2023 = 2.7558 Q1, IF of the Supreme Council of Universities = 7
ISSN Online: (2314-873X) ISSN Print: (2314-8721)
| Vol.11
TV Advertising on Egyptian Satellite Channels in Ramadan 2023 and its Impact on the Cultural Identity of the Egyptian Society: Survey Study , Vol.11 , Forty-Sixth Issue

PP:33 - 34
Dr. Shimaa Ahmed Mohamed Refaat-Assistant Professor of Radio & Television,Radio & Television Department,Faculty of Mass Communication - Girls,Al-Azhar University

The study aimed to reveal the impact of television advertisements shown on Egyptian satellite channels during Ramadan 2023 on the identity (religious, national, linguistic, and social) of the Egyptian audience, in addition to identifying the value and cultural role of these advertisements, and the extent to which they are appropriate to the Egyptian society, and since the cultural identity represents an important aspect in building societies, it has become necessary to identify aspects of the change that occurred in Egyptian society as a result of exposure to various means of communication, including television advertisements, which is one of the forms of communication that reflects the culture and values of society.
The study relied on the theory of” Cultivation Theory” as its theoretical framework, and was applied to an available random sample of (500) individuals from the Egyptian public, divided as follows: (404) individuals from the Egyptian audience who follow TV ads on Egyptian satellite channels during the month of Ramadan, (96) individuals who do not follow ads. television during the month of Ramadan. The study belonged to descriptive studies, and relied on the media survey method using the survey form to collect data.

The study concluded several results, the most important of which are:
- The effect of television advertisements on the (religious identity) of the Egyptian society, through its significant contribution to openness to the culture of the West, which threatens the religious constants of the members of society, and the dissemination of foreign cultures that negatively affect religious constants.
- The study stressed the support of television advertisements for (national identity) among viewers by defining the achievements of the homeland and its pioneering role internally and externally, and supporting belonging to the homeland, paying attention to its issues and assuming national responsibilities.
- The results of the study showed the negative impact of television advertisements on the (social identity) of the Egyptian Public, by supporting openness to the culture of others, freedom in dress and appearance, and considering it a feature of the times and keeping pace with development and modern civilization, abandoning some of the customs and traditions of society and keeping pace with Western lifestyles.
- It also concluded the effect of television advertisements on the (linguistic identity) of the Egyptian Public by helping them in the birth of a third hybrid language between colloquial, alphabetical and English, replacing the Arabic language with colloquial dialects, and limiting the Arabic language to religious sciences and literature.

Key Words:
TV ads- Cultural Identity- Egyptian Society.

Research Language:
Journal Issues