Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East
Scientific Refereed & Open Access Journal
ICR IF 2021/2022=1.569 , Arcif IF 2023 = 2.7558 Q1, IF of the Supreme Council of Universities = 7
ISSN Online: (2314-873X) ISSN Print: (2314-8721)
| Vol.11
The Role of Arab Media, Digital Security Media in Educating the Public in the Arab World About Cryptocurrency Crimes , Vol.11 , Special Issue (Forty-seventh) about: Media and Mass Communication

Dr. Moeen Fathy Mahmoud Koa *-Assistant Professor of Public Relations & Advertising,,Master's program in media organization management,Quds University
Hala Hashim Abo Hasan-MA Public Relations,Contemporary Public Relations Program,,Najah University

This study aimed to evaluate the role of the Arab media, digital security media in raising public awareness in the Arab world about cryptocurrency crimes and to show the extent to which these crucial groups contribute to immunizing the Arab Public against these crimes according to the theories of social responsibility and inoculation. The study relied on an exploratory sequential mixed-methods design, which begins first with the exploration and analysis of quantitative data, and then uses the results in a qualitative next stage; Thus, the study relied on the methodological triangulation, relying on the questionnaire tool to investigate the opinions of a sample of the Arab Public (1305 respondents) about their knowledge of digital currency crimes, their exposure to awareness messages about these crimes, and the organized interviews with a sample of the Arab Public who filled out the questionnaire (10% from the size of the original sample) to ascertain the nature of the message they were exposed to. In addition, other interviews with Arab experts, academics, and specialists (20 experts) after presenting the questionnaire results to them to come up with a set of necessary interventions to educate the Arab Public about cryptocurrency crimes. Finally, the study employed content analysis to analyze a sample of digital security media pages on Facebook (10 pages) to show the extent of their contribution to the Public Awareness of cryptocurrency crimes and to identify the most critical persuasive methods used in the awareness message according to Aristotle's rhetorical triangle.
The study showed that although more than 35% of the study sample held graduate degrees between master’s and doctorate and 42% of the bachelor’s degrees, the vast majority (64%) did not have any information about cryptocurrency crimes. The results also showed that the vast majority of respondents did not receive any education or raising awareness messages about these crimes from traditional or electronic media, digital security media, or Arab influencers alike, which indicates the failure of these parties in social responsibility in the cryptocurrency crimes. The content analysis results also showed that the digital security media did not address the issue of digital currencies in its general landscape or the crimes resulting from them.
In light of these results, the study came out with a set of recommendations, including, for example, but not limited to, the need for a decision at the level of the Arab Interior Ministers Council to direct the security media in Arab countries to carry out awareness campaigns regarding cryptocurrency crimes. The study also recommended that the Association of Arab Universities' secretariat urge Arab academic institutions to hold scientific conferences related to digital currencies and related offenses. A review of the literature and previous studies showed the Arab Library's lack of such vital studies.

Key Words:
Cryptocurrency crimes, Arab Media, Security Media, Social Media Platforms.

Research Language:
Journal Issues