Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East
Scientific Refereed & Open Access Journal
ICR IF 2021/2022=1.569 , Arcif IF 2023 = 2.7558 Q1, IF of the Supreme Council of Universities = 7
ISSN Online: (2314-873X) ISSN Print: (2314-8721)
| Vol.4
The impact of News Websites targeted at forming the Ideas and Trends, An applied Study on the case known as "Marriott cell"(An analytical study) , Vol.4 , Eleventh Issue

Dr. Hala Tawfiq El Talahaty -Assistant Professor of P R & Advertising,Public Relations Department,Faculty of Media and Public Relations,Modern University for Technology and Information (MTI)

This study aimed at monitoring and analyzing frames and media messages from electronic news websites about themes and important issues in Egypt, the impact of those international communication means in forming ideas and trends towards such cases through application on the case known as "Marriott cell", through conducting an analytical study of information processing of issue in some international Arabic news websites and those are directed to Arabs , such as Arabic BBC, CNN sites during the analytical study of December 2013- August 2015.
The Findings suggest that BBC Arabic is the most news site to pay attention to the case, as one of the main involvers was a reporter at the BBC website.
News stories take the first place in covering the issue at the both news websites while pictures and graphics take the second place in comparison to CNN that refers to BBC policy of using emotional appeals in order to shape ideas and orientations to affect negatively on emotions by showing painful shots. Then interviews and announcement come in third place as it is a judicial matter, but the analysis comes at the fourth place and other forms contained conducting media campaigns on social networking. Also, correspondents, reports and statistics are the main sources of data in media coverage of news websites as they come at the first place, but the investigations and governmental statements take the second place at the same time. The reports and statistics take the third place whereas the networks, Satellite channels & news websites take the fourth place then Civil National Society Organizations and Activities. There are variation of media frames that used in media processing in news websites such as frame of responsibility, conflict, reference for issue and a human interest.
It appears with very high percentages and very close to each other in the published subjects. This can explained that the target of shaping the issue in that frame and with those frequencies is to pay attention to the case as well as the conflict that made around and in order to direct the responsibility to the Egyptian Officials, and in order to urge human interest- especially the international side – to sympathize with this issue and then supporting it as per desired manner.

Key Words:
Influence, news websites, Marriott cell, trends.

Research Language:
Journal Issues