Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East
Scientific Refereed & Open Access Journal
ICR IF 2021/2022=1.569 , Arcif IF 2023 = 2.7558 Q1, IF of the Supreme Council of Universities = 7
ISSN Online: (2314-873X) ISSN Print: (2314-8721)
| Vol.3
Patterns of Sinai Public Exposure to the Social Networks and Its Relationship to Formation of Opinion toward Current Events , Vol.3 , Eight Issue

Dr. Ibrahim Hassan EL-Morsi Mohammed -Assistant Professor of Press ,Press & Publishing Department,College of Media and Communication Technology,Sinai University

This study seeks to monitor and detect Patterns of Sinai Public Exposure to the Social Networks and Its Relationship to Formation of Opinion toward Current Events by measuring (size of exposure – its density - time spent on the social networks - time involve in the networks - types of networks).
Besides, this study aims to determine the impact of public's reliance on the social networks and their relationship with traditional means of media in formation of opinion about current events.
It is a descriptive study based on media survey method, and the questionnaire was applied to a random sample (421) of Sinai public in North Sinai Governorate.
The study confirmed increasing of Sinai public's reliance on the social networks in formation of opinion toward current events by (93.2%) of the total sample; (27.3%) largely and (66%) moderately.
And the degree of confidence in the social networks reached (86.5%); the degree of permanent confidence was about (18.3%) and confidence sometimes was (68%).
Face book network occupied the first rank in the using (37.3%) of the total occurrences, followed by what’s up (22.4%).
Besides, the study concluded that more Sinai public's reliance on the social networks less Sinai public's reliance on traditional media in formation of opinion toward current events, and there were differences between the demographic variables and rely on the social networks in formation of opinion toward current events.

Key Words:
Exposure, social media, opinion formation, current events.

Research Language:
Journal Issues