Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East
Scientific Refereed & Open Access Journal
ICR IF 2021/2022=1.569 , Arcif IF 2023 = 2.7558 Q1, IF of the Supreme Council of Universities = 7
ISSN Online: (2314-873X) ISSN Print: (2314-8721)
| Vol.3
New Media Phenomenon and Its Impact on National Security , Vol.3 , Eight Issue

PP:13 - 14
Dr. Hamdy Bashir-Researcher in the Arab political affairs,,College of Economics and Political Science,Cairo University

New Media has become a mass communication tools, characterized by a global diffusion and an ever-growing level of use, considering their handiness and flexibility, as well as their extreme cheapness. It has become a central part of all cultures. People in all cultures are spending more time on new media than ever before.

This study examines the relationship between new media use and national security. There is significant work needs to be done in understanding the relationship between new media and national security. While new media was found to be an effective way to deliver information to large numbers of people, particularly in the event of a crisis, it is unclear whether it is a reliable source for factual information.

The purpose of this study is to analyze new media and national security threats in arab world. Specific objectives were to examine: the threats of new media technology to national security; the use of new media by the military in preventing, limiting or removing threats to national security; and the national security and how new media makes it worse; the use of new media in terrorist radicalization; the use of new media as an investigative tool.

The study found that the military use new media for military operations, communicating process of operation, boost morale of soldiers, clarify on propaganda messages sent by enemies and dispelling rumors, for updating civilians on progress of military operation. It found that the military uses new media as Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) to analyze new media threats.

It found that new media are used by terrorist organizations as tools for ideological radicalization, recruitment, communication and training of its members. It found that terrorist groups take advantage of new media to communicate with cyber-crime groups and to coordinate along with them fundraising activities carried out in part or completely on the Internet.

The study concluded that terrorist groups take advantage of New Media to communicate with cyber-crime groups and to coordinate along with them fund-raising activities carried out in part or completely on the Internet.

It concludes that counter propaganda is used by the military to counter new media threats. And that the best news management comes from the military since they have a range of options for communicating their standpoint.

The study recommends that arab world countries needs to develop a comprehensive strategy that identifies roles, responsibilities, and resources across the government in order to detect, defend and pre-empt new media threats.

Key Words:
Cybersecurity ,Intelligence , national security, new media, terrorism.

Research Language:
Journal Issues