Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East
Scientific Refereed & Open Access Journal
ICR IF 2021/2022=1.569 , Arcif IF 2023 = 2.7558 Q1, IF of the Supreme Council of Universities = 7
ISSN Online: (2314-873X) ISSN Print: (2314-8721)
| Vol.8
Extent to which the Palestinian police rely on persuasive method in their communicative contents published through Facebook aimed at promoting civil peace and combating crime An analytical study within framework of the four models of public relations , Vol.8 , Twenty Eighth Issue

PP:14 - 15
Dr. Moeen F.M. Koa-Assistant Professor of P R ,Department of Public Relations and Communication,College of Higher Studies,An-Najah National University
Abdel Aziz A. A. Darwish-MA Public Relations,Department of Public Relations and Communication,College of Graduate Studies,An-Najah National University

This study aims at identifying the extent to which the Palestinian Civil Police Force relies on persuasion in promoting civil peace and compacting crime. To achieve this goal, the study relied on analyzing the content of the Facebook page of the Palestinian Police during the period from 1 October 2019 to 30 November 2019. The analytical framework of the study is based on the four main models of public relations and the procedural definition of civil peace and crime prevention.
The main result shows a weakness in the persuasive method of the Palestinian Police as it hinged largely upon the informing modes of communication with the public away from the modes of persuasion and urging. The study demonstrates that only 16% of all posts during the period of analysis urged the Palestinian public to promote civil peace and combat crime based on the two-way asymmetric model in public relations which promotes persuasion. In return 84% of the posts were part of the public information model, revolves around one-way communication where information primarily flows from Palestinian police to the public without feedback.
In the light of these results, we see a necessity for designing a planned strategy based on scientific principles of public relations that take in consideration researching the public and their needs, that guarantees the presence of persuasive messages commensurate with the nature of the target audience. The Palestinian Police should also review their communication mode, and upgrade it from a situation of informing and reporting to the situation of persuasion and dialogue to involve the Palestinian public in promoting civil peace and combating crime as the results of the study shows the absence of the two-way symmetrical model, which is an ideal way of enhancing the Palestinian police’s reputation among the target audience and assures dialogue with them. Future researchers need to conduct surveys for the Palestinian public, to measure the public's satisfaction with the performance of the Palestinian Police Force in promoting civil peace and combating crime, as the study shows a lack of participation of the Palestinian public in the activities of the Palestinian Police on the Facebook platform.

Key Words:
Communication strategy, the Palestinian Police, civil peace, combating crime, models of public relations, the two-way symmetrical model, the two-way asymmetrical model, public
information model, Facebook.

Research Language:
Journal Issues