Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East
Scientific Refereed & Open Access Journal
ICR IF 2021/2022=1.569 , Arcif IF 2023 = 2.7558 Q1, IF of the Supreme Council of Universities = 7
ISSN Online: (2314-873X) ISSN Print: (2314-8721)
| Vol.8
Role of the Saudi News Websites in Health Education during the Corona 'Covid-19' Pandemic , Vol.8 , The special issue (the 29th): Media and the Coronavirus (Covied -19) : Credibility or Crises and Rumors? Part Two

Dr. Abdelhafiz Abdelgawad Darwish Mostafa-Assistant Professor of journalism ,Journalism Dep.,Faculty of Arts and Humanities ,Taibah University

The study aimed to monitor role of the Saudi news websites in health education during the Corona 'Covid-19' pandemic through the social responsibility of the media, in an attempt to evaluate Saudi news websites in their media content to see the extent of success in managing the health crisis.
The study sought to answer several questions, including what news sites are exposed to the readers who have been studied; Follow the news of spread of the Corona virus? Why did readers choose it? What are the implications that the public cared about during the crisis? To what extent do readers rate the activities of Saudi news websites in raising awareness and covering the crisis?
This study belongs to descriptive studies using the survey methodology on a sample of 400 words from the Saudi audience who are following the crisis in the media for the month of May 2020. The researcher relied on the questionnaire form.

The study reached a set of results, the most important of which are:
The sample varied between males and females. Males came in at a rate of (54.5%), while females came in at a rate of (45.5%.)
The sample also reflected different levels of education. Middle education came in at 18.8%, then university education (76.5%), then Diploma and Higher education (4.8%).

- "Ajel" website came in the first place that readers relied on to obtain information about Corona, then "Sabq" website, then "Okaz" website, then the news website for "AL Riyadh" newspaper, then "AlWatan" website, then the news website for AlSharq AlAwsat newspaper, then "Almowaten" website, then "Almarsd" website, then “Sada” website and finally "Twasul" website.

- The majority of readers indicated "the subject of research and study" that the first reasons for them follow-up to news websites is to follow the latest news related to the Corona virus crisis firsthand.
- Most of the readers agreed that the Saudi news websites follow the Professional rules of journalism regarding the correctness of information about the Corona crisis.
Those websites are concerned mostly with the ratio of news to its sources and rarely provide news of anonymous source.
They have also shown honesty and truth in reporting and writing Corona virus news.

- Readers asserted "the study sample" that the Kingdom is working hard to limit the further spread of the epidemic among its people, with the approval of (90.0%).
The majority of readers agreed on the phrase "I feel proud of the Kingdom's role and its assistance to other countries in the crisis" at a rate of (86.3%).
- The readers' sample indicated that the repeated provision of information pushes the public into boredom in the follow-up “non-renewal in the form and content” with an approval rate of (59.0)%

Key Words:
(Saudi news websites- health education- Corona 'Covid-19' pandemic).

Research Language:
Journal Issues