Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East
Scientific Refereed & Open Access Journal
ICR IF 2021/2022=1.569 , Arcif IF 2023 = 2.7558 Q1, IF of the Supreme Council of Universities = 7
ISSN Online: (2314-873X) ISSN Print: (2314-8721)
| Vol.7
Usage of public relations in Saudi universities for Social communication sites and its relation to the quality of the educational process , Vol.7 , Twenty Second Issue

Dr. Durebe Abdullah I. Aldurebe-Cultural supervisor at the Saudi Ministry of Education - Higher Education Affairs,,,Ministry of Education

The problem of the study is to identify the level of using public relations in colleges and sections of media within the Saudi universities for social networking sites, and its relation to the quality of the educational process. This is done by monitoring the level of effectiveness of the social networking sites of Saudi universities as a tool for achieving quality in the educational process. In addition the impact of this use on the quality of the educational process, as well as trying to provide more effective ways to support that use and expand the use of these networks to be an effective tool for interactive academic communication in pursuit of comprehensive quality in the educational process. "
The importance of the study emerges from the importance of the role that social networking sites can play in the educational process as one of the teaching and learning strategies and as a tool for academic communication between public relations departments and members of the educational process in universities.
The study aims to achieve a general goal of: To identify the level of using public relations in the colleges and sections of media within the Saudi universities towards the social networking sites of these departments or universities and its relationship to the quality of the educational process, where a set of sub-goals and questions are emerged.
The study belongs to the descriptive studies based on the survey method. The research society included the pages of the websites of the departments and colleges of media in the Saudi universities, which are under the Saudi sovereignty and located in the inside KSA. The researcher has chosen a sample representing the study society, which is the three largest universities in Saudi Arabia Imam Mohammed Bin Saud Islamic University, King Saud University and King Abdul-Aziz University. The study is applied to the departments and colleges of media within the three universities.
The main findings of the study are: The most important social networking sites used by respondents according to gender are Twitter, with 67.25% of the total number of users using social networking sites in the total sample of the study sample distributed among 70.04% Male sample compared to 62.75% of the total female sample, and the two ratios converge, Where the difference between the two ratios is not statistically significant, the calculated Z value reached 1.509, which is less than the scheduled value that predicts a relationship between the two ratios with a confidence level of 0.95.

Key Words:
Public Relations, Social communication sites ,quality, educational process, Saudi universities.

Research Language:
Journal Issues