Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East
Scientific Refereed & Open Access Journal
ICR IF 2021/2022=1.569 , Arcif IF 2023 = 2.7558 Q1, IF of the Supreme Council of Universities = 7
ISSN Online: (2314-873X) ISSN Print: (2314-8721)
| Vol.11
The Uses of the ChatGPT Application in The Field of Media: Exploratory Study , Vol.11 , Special Issue (Forty-seventh) about: Media and Mass Communication

Prof. Dr. Abdulmalek Aldanani-Professor of Mass communication,Public Relations & Advertising Department,Liwa College - Abu Dhabi ,
Dr. Amor Ben Amor-Associate Prof. & Head of Public Relations Dep.,Public Relations & Advertising Department,,Liwa College - Abu Dhabi
Dr. Khalid Abd Allah Ahmed Dirar-Assistant Professor of Public Relations & Advertising,Public Relations & Advertising Department,,Liwa College - Abu Dhabi

This study aimed to investigate the opinions of communication and media professors in Arab universities, as well as media professionals, on the potential uses of the "ChatGPT" application in the field of media and the challenges that this usage may face in the future. This is particularly important as Artificial Intelligence outputs, including ChatGPT, have become essential for various individuals involved in the field of media, including academics and professionals. A descriptive survey method was used in this study due to its suitability for the research nature. To collect the initial data, an electronic questionnaire was sent to communication professors in media colleges at Arab universities, as well as to professionals working in the media. A total of 247 respondents participated in the survey, including academics and professionals.
The study yielded several results, including that despite the relative novelty of the ChatGPT application, 70.2% of the respondents were familiar with it. The sources of this knowledge included general awareness, self-directed training courses, as well as other sources such as training courses provided by organizations they work for, media exposure, and personal communication with colleagues and other sources. The field study results indicated that most respondents agreed on the potential uses of the ChatGPT application in: conducting investigations, providing background information for news, writing various types of articles, automating professional processes, and producing routine news. Most respondents also agreed that the application can enhance the quality of media products, process rapidly evolving data, and improve media coverage efficiency of events.
The respondents pointed out challenges facing the use of the ChatGPT application in the media, including occasional inaccuracies, potential negative effects on media workers' wages in the future, lack of transparency, failure to accommodate diverse perspectives on topics and events, as well as a lack of governing legal frameworks for the application's use in the media.

Key Words:
ChatGPT Application, Artificial Intelligence, Digitization, Communication, Media.

Research Language:
Journal Issues