Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East
Scientific Refereed & Open Access Journal
ICR IF 2021/2022=1.569 , Arcif IF 2023 = 2.7558 Q1, IF of the Supreme Council of Universities = 7
ISSN Online: (2314-873X) ISSN Print: (2314-8721)
Issue Applications: Eighteenth Issue
Date 30/03/2018
Place Al-Arabia Public Relations Agency
Number of Copies 20
Avaliable / UnAvaliable متاح
Price 850Eg. inside & $ 80 to send to most countries
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Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East

Scientific refereed Journal - Published by Egyptian Public Relations Association - Sixth year - Eighteenth Issue - January / March 2018

Arab Impact Factor 2017 = 1.34

     Abstracts of Arabic Researches:

  • Associated Prof. Dr. Mohammed S. Alsubihi -  Al-Imam Mohammed Bin Saud Islamic University

Students' attitudes towards educational programs in the Mass Communication Colleges and its departments and their relationship to the requirements of the Comprehensive Quality - A Field study on Saudi universities                                                                     7

  • Associated Prof. Dr. Omar Brahim  Boussada – King Khalid University  

The role of information management of Public Relations Authorities to face institutional

   crises - A theoretical study                                                                                                                                                                

  • Dr. Khulood Abdullah Miliany - King Abdulaziz University

The Role of Social Media Applications in Developing Political Awareness among Saudi Women                                                                                                                           11

  • Dr. Nasr al-Din Abdul Qader Osman - Ajman University

The Role of Public Relations Consultant in dealing with institutional crises

  Field Study on a sample of public relations workers                                                   12   

  • Dr. Rabab Salah El Sayed Ibrahim - Menoufia University

The University Students’ Usages of The Comics Presented by Media Channels And The Satisfactions Which These Channels Achieve For Them                                             14 

  • Hussin Fayaz S. Alshahrany – Yarmouk University

Gulf Students’ Dependence on Social Networking Sites in Communicating with Diplomatic Bodies of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries (GCC)                         15

  • Nacer Aoudia - University of Algeria 3

Communication in campaigning: from political declaration to political public relations - Status of 2017 legislation in Algeria                                                                          16


English Researches:

  • Nadeen Essam Selim - University of Sharjah

Social Media in PR Education and the Market - an Audience Comparative Analysis in the UAE   17


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