Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East
Scientific Refereed & Open Access Journal
ICR IF 2021/2022=1.569 , Arcif IF 2023 = 2.7558 Q1, IF of the Supreme Council of Universities = 7
ISSN Online: (2314-873X) ISSN Print: (2314-8721)
Issue Applications: Twentieth Issue
Date يوليو / سبتمبر 2018 July / September 2018
Place Al-Arabia Public Relations Agency
Number of Copies 8
Avaliable / UnAvaliable متاح
Price 850Eg. inside & $ 80 to send to most countries
Details :

Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East

Scientific refereed Journal - Published by Egyptian Public Relations Association - Sixth year - Twentieth Issue - July / September 2018

Arab Impact Factor 2017 = 1.34

Approaches to Study Digital Public Relations at Al- Azhar University                               7

                                                  Prof.Dr. Rizk Saad Abd EL Moaty - Misr International University

Crisis Communications Management in the Digital social networks time: Theoretical Transformations and Practical models                                                                                  8

Dr. Yahia Benlarbi - University of Oran 1( Algeria )

Media and Communication Role in Advanced Regional Systems:

A Theoretical Approach                                                                                                    9

Dr. Thouraya snoussi - University of Sharjah (UAE)

Research Trends in the Study of Fake News - "Problematic Concept and Dimensions"  10

Dr. Marwa Said - Al Ghurair University, Dubai,

Cases of Ignorance in the Media Discourse                                                                           11

 Dr. Suhad Adil Jassim - Al-Mustansariya University

 Dr. Mohammed Jabbar Zghair Algrizy - Ahlia University - Iraq

The Impact of Media Intervention in Judicial Work on Public Attitudes​                               12

                                                    Dr. Sara Said - Zagazig University


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