The Role of Using Social Marketing Strategy in Product Adoption in the Advertising Campaigns: A field Study within Framework of the Hierarchical Model of the Impact of Advertising Messages
, Vol.10
, Thirty-ninth Issue
Dr. Ghada Seif Thabit -Assistant Professor of Public Relations & Advertising,Public Relations & Advertising Department,Faculty of Business & Communication,Al Ghurair University
The current study aimed to study the role of using the social marketing strategy in product adoption in advertising campaigns, in a survey study of a stratified random sample of the Egyptian public, using the hierarchy of effects model, and the technique of focus group discussions. The results revealed the: importance of demographic factors, the creative strategy of the advertising message in the social campaigns, and the credibility of the message in social advertising campaigns as factors that mediate the impact of advertising messages on the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of the target audience towards adoption of the social product.
Key Words:
Advertisements Campaigns, Social Marketing Strategy, Social Product Adoption, Hierarchy of Effects of the Advertising Messages, Advertisement Creative Strategy.
Research Language: